Tuesday, 13 January 2015

What Is Body Groomer?


Also known as body razors, body groomers are personal shaving tools that are used to trim, thin, and contour hair on areas of the body other than the head. These tools can be used by a personal groomer offering the service at a health spa or similar facility, or may be used in a private setting, such as the home. While both genders may use electric body razors for personal grooming, the devices are primarily developed for male grooming purposes.

The typical body groomer looks a great deal like the electric clippers and razors that are used in a barber or styling shop. Designed to fit easily in the hand, a men’s body groomer operates with the use of standard electrical current. Some makes and models of the groomer also make use of battery capacity, a feature that allows the groomer to be used when an electrical outlet is not readily available.

A number of spas and health clubs offer body grooming services for both men and women. One benefit to this approach is that the personnel who undertake the grooming are trained professionals that know how to use a body groomer and the associated attachments to best advantage. A professional grooming session helps to ensure there are no areas overlooked in the grooming process, and that there is little to no skin irritation after grooming in complete.

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