Tuesday, 25 November 2014

What Is Liposuction?


You have dieted and exercised and there are still stubborn areas of fat that will not go away. Your reason for choosing liposuction may be as simple as just wanting to look better in your clothes. Liposuction is not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle, it can make you look and feel better. Liposuction surgery is performed to actually remove unwanted localized deposits of fat cells from the body. The procedure is meant for body contouring. It is not a treatment for obesity.

The most frequent areas treated by liposuction are “love handles,” the belly, neckline, thighs, hips, knees, lower legs, cheeks and double chins. Cosmetically, successful liposuction is measured in inches rather than pounds. Weight removal is not the focus of this procedure, but rather improvement in your body’s contour is the goal. Most important is a patient's improved self-image and self-acceptance.

When you gain weight, you expand the fat cells that you have. Tumescent liposuction permanently removes fat cells to improve your body’s contour. Dimples, ripples and stretch marks remain unchanged following liposuction. Your new figure will be similar to what you would expect if you could lose an equal amount of localized fat through diet and exercise alone.

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