Friday, 11 April 2014

Skin Brushing

Skin brushing also called dry body brushing  is a simple technique that stimulates blood and lymph flow, exfoliates the skin and encourages new cell growth. Skin brushing helps control cellulite by bringing nutrients and oxygen to the outer layer of skin (the epidermis). Although there are no blood vessels in the epidermis, the dermis is rich with blood vessels, and the epidermis receives nutrients and oxygen supply from the dermis.

All you need for skin brushing is a body brush with natural bristles. This simple technique stimulates blood and lymph flow, removes dead skin cells and encourages new cell growth. To brush your skin, start at you feet and sweep up the legs in long, light brisk movements. All skin brushing movements should be towards the heart, to encourage the return of blood and encourage lymphatic flow.

Pay particular attention to the cellulite-prone areas like your thighs. Brush your abdomen with a circular clock-wise motion. Brush your arms with an upward motion, moving towards the heart. The whole process should take two to five minutes. Don’t be too rough. Over brushing causes the skin to turn red and become irritated. Do it first thing in the morning, when the increased blood flow will help wake you up, or before you take a shower.

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