Monday, 31 March 2014

What Is Barre ?

A Barre is a stationary handrail that is used during ballet warm up exercises. The term also refers to the exercises that are performed at the barre, as well as that part of a ballet class that incorporates barre exercises.  A permanent barre typically consists of a handrail that is mounted to and supported by a wall, whereas a portable barre consists of a handrail mounted onto a rigid, free-standing supporting structure. Barre handrails and supports are typically made of metal, wood, or a combination of both. The handrail, which is positioned approximately at waist-height, has a diameter of approximately one and one-half inches.

Barre exercises include both slow exercises, which stretch and warm up muscles, and fast exercises, which help dancers strengthen muscles and maintain technique at any speed. Each barre exercise has a specific purpose, such as to strengthen feet, increase extension, improve flexibility, and help a dancer find their ballet. Proper placement (positions of feet and arms in ballet) and posture is emphasized in all exercises.

The barre helps dancers by providing stability and balance, especially while learning correct placement. Barre exercises are often a significant portion of the beginning dancer's class, but the barre continues to be an important tool in all levels of ballet. Barre work can help to prepare dancers for partnering, with the barre simulating the support of a real partner. Barres are an essential tool for beginning point dancers, as their ankles may not be strong enough to support them in the center.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Oxygen Facials

Oxygen facials are said to combat visible signs of aging linked to poor conveyance of oxygen from subcutaneous capillaries to the surface of the skin. They address the deficiency by delivering highly concentrated oxygen molecules directly to the epidermis. A stream of high-pressurized oxygen infused with botanical, vitamin, mineral, and nutrient extracts is applied to the face and neck. The oxygen absorbs the moisturizing agents into the skin for a smoother, plumper look, providing a healthy glow.

Oxygen facials are becoming more en vogue in the spa industry, cropping up on many spa menus.The oxygen facial is a popular treatment to indulge in prior to a big event or soirée, and it can be performed on all skin types. The benefits of oxygen facials are said to range from thorough pore cleansing to lightened hyperpigmentation.

Oxygen is suggested to strengthen skin’s elasticity and help eliminate acne-causing bacteria, as well as reduce fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone, and diminish pores. Many people who experience the non-surgical oxygen facial treatment see an immediate change in their appearance. Effects of oxygen facials are said to last about two days; for best results, many spas will recommend a series of six treatments along a six-week timeframe, followed by monthly touch-up visits.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Hair Care Tips For Men

Hair is basically protein and keratin with no blood supply or nervous system and has no repairative qualities. Hair is not alive, so it cannot be healthy. Once damage has occurred, the only way to repair the hair is to cut off the damaged length. Of course, a healthy looking head of hair starts with a great looking haircut, but that's just the beginning. 

Towel drying is one of the biggest causes of damage to men's hair. When hair is wet, it is highly susceptible to damage. When the hair is rubbed with a towel, some of the hairs become tangled in the threads of the towel and become stretched to the breaking point, causing damage to the cuticle ,frizziness, and split ends. Blow drying is also a common cause of damage to the hair. Excessive blow drying can dry out the hair and scalp. If you must use a blow dryer, apply a thermal styling spray or detangler to coat the hair and protect it from damage, use a wide-tooth comb to prevent pulling, and always leave the hair slightly damp. This will prevent over drying the hair.

Repeatedly coloring or perming hair can leave it damaged, dry, and dull. A good shampoo and conditioner will help cleanse the hair, add moisture and elasticity, and smooth the cuticle to add shine. Low moisture and protein in the hair can cause frizz. To minimize this problem, use a good moisturizing conditioner. A slick, smoothing serum can be applied to add shine and give the hair a smoother appearance.

Friday, 28 March 2014

What Is Photofacial ?

Photo facial is a generic term for a skin treatment that uses some kind of light-based technology. Photo facials have a number of different uses, but are mostly used for treating brown spots, broken capillaries, and boosting collagen.The two main types of technology used for photo facials are LED (light-emitting diode) and IPL (intense-pulsed light). 

LED photo facial is a very gentle treatment that uses narrow spectrum light to boost collagen, which creates plumper, younger-looking skin, or to kill the bacteria that causes acne. LED photo facials are painless, cool and relaxing, and  carry no risk of burning. The best results come after a series of photo facial treatments. 

An IPL photo facial can treat a variety of skin conditions such as brown spots, broken capillaries, spider veins, and facial redness. An IPL photo facial delivers a bright blast of light at very high energy levels through a hand-held device.The number of IPL photo facials you need will vary depending on the condition you're treating, the results you want, and how your skin responds.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Yoga for Hair Loss

Practicing Yoga for Hair loss is a very effective form of treatment if you suffer from excessive hair loss. In fact, the good thing about practicing yoga poses for hair loss is that you are not only rejuvenating hair growth but also reaping the benefits that yoga will have on your entire body. 

Hair loss can occur due to many different reasons. These include stress, anxiety, a poor diet, and genetic factors and so on. Yoga is a beneficial way of stopping hair fall as it helps to calm a person down. A person who is happy and healthier overall will naturally have healthier hair.

The use of yoga for hair loss has become popular for a variety of other reasons. Reducing stress is one of the fundamental goals of yoga so any style of yoga will help one to do this. If stress is the reason behind the hair loss, then yoga will help to eliminate it and thereby promote hair growth. Yoga, pranayama and meditation are very beneficial to reduce the daily stress and thus helps to reduce the hair loss directly. Yoga asana like vajrasana and pawanmuktasana are especially beneficial to control hair loss.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014


Microdermabrasion is a very popular, machine-assisted skin-exfoliating treatment. Microdermabrasion has advantages of low risk and rapid recovery compared to the other more invasive resurfacing methods such as dermabrasion, chemical peeling, and laser resurfacing. Since microdermabrasion produces only a very superficial depth of skin removal, it works best on improving conditions on the surface of the skin such as early photoaging (sun damage), fine lines, age spots, acne, and superficial scarring. Although the face is the most common area for microdermabrasion, any skin area, including neck, chest, back, and hands, may be treated. 

Microdermabrasion is a painless, noninvasive, skin-rejuvenation procedure using a combination of a fine abrasive tip or crystals and vacuum suction applied to the skin. Microdermabrasion works by removing a few of the top layers of the skin called the stratum corneum. Much like brushing your teeth, microderm helps to gently remove "plaque" and skin debris. One of the most important benefits of Microdermabrasion is its anti-ageing effect. Treated areas show visible improvements in the tone, texture, and colour of skin.

Microdermabrasion can also provides excellent results for the following conditions:

Softens fine lines and wrinkles
Helps smooth coarsely textured skin
Decreases the appearance of acne and acne scars
Blackheads and whiteheads
Minimize enlarged and open pore
Dull, stressed or congested skin
Sun-damaged skin
Reduces superficial hyper-pigmentation (age spots)
Skin Pigmentation
Increased product penetration

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

What Is Body Polish ?

A Body polish is a treatment of the entire body, just like a facial and unlike a massage. It hydrates and exfoliates the skin. When the dead skin is removed, the skin becomes soft and smooth. It can be done with any type of material such as sugar, salt, rice bran, coffee grounds or pecan hulls, which are usually mixed with massage oil as well as essential oils. 

Body Polish  is unlike a massage, which is solely done for the purpose of relaxation or pleasure. This technique is performed to obtain many benefits. One of the most common benefits is that this treatment exfoliates the dead skin cells. Removing dead skin cells is important because dead skin layers tend to make a person’s face and body appear unhealthy, dull and unattractive. Not just that, it will be more moisturized and hydrated than before the treatment. 

A polished skin not only tends to look attractive, but it also tends to feel fresh. The skin will be softer, smoother and supple after the procedure. It can also diminish the effects of topical beauty and health products. This procedure will remove oil and dirt buildup that blocks the skin pores. It also stimulates the skin cells to generate fresh, healthier layers of skin. 

Monday, 24 March 2014

What Is Exfoliation ?

Exfoliation is the removal of the oldest dead skin cells that cling to the skin's outermost surface, or epidermis. Exfoliation is an important part of both facials and body treatments. When done correctly, exfoliation leaves the skin feeling smoother and fresher looking. Exfoliation is involved in the process of all facials, during microdermabrasion or chemical peels at medical spas. Exfoliation removes the outer layer to reveal the newer skin beneath. This shedding of the outer layer unclogs pores, keeps skin clean, and helps reduce acne outbreaks.

Exfoliation should always be done after cleansing the skin. Exfoliation is important for men as it exposes the hair follicles, allowing a better shave. It is possible to over exfoliate, which dries and irritates the skin. The face is the part of the body most sensitive to exfoliation. Hence, provided that exfoliating causes the skin to dry out, it is very important to moisturize it, because dry skin can lead to wrinkle development.

The dead skin cells are physically rubbed off with an abrasive. Mechanical exfoliation include a salt glow, a body scrub that might use sugar or coffee grounds, or skin brushing. Facial peels are a form of chemical exfoliation. Chemical peels can either be very gentle or very aggressive, depending on how the strong the peel is. Body treatments might use mild chemical exfoliants like pineapple enzymes.                                   
As we age the process of cell turnover slows down. Cells start to pile up unevenly on the skin's surface, giving it a dry, rough, dull appearance. Exfoliation is beneficial because it removes those cells that are clinging on, revealing the fresher, younger skin cells below.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is the process of removing unwanted hair by means of exposure to pulses of laser light that destroy the hair follicle. Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures. It beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorb the light that destroys the hair. 

Lasers are useful for removing unwanted hair from the face, leg, arm, underarm, and other areas. Just before the procedure, your hair that will be undergoing treatment will be trimmed to a few millimeters above the skin surface. The laser equipment will be adjusted according to the color, thickness, and location of your hair being treated as well as your skin color.

If you are planning on undergoing laser hair removal, you should limit plucking, waxing, and electrolysis for six weeks before treatment that's because the laser targets the hairs' roots, which are temporarily removed by waxing or plucking.You should also avoid sun exposure for six weeks before and after treatment. Sun exposure makes laser hair removal less effective and makes complications after treatment more likely.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Facial Treatments For Men

Skin care is not limited to just women. Looking good is a social issue for Men too. Men are a symbol of rough and toughness. But on the contrary Men too have sensitive skin. They too need to follow a proper skin care regime. Even Men go through a lot of emotional turmoil when they suffer with a skin problem. Today there are a range of skin care products and services for Men that are easily available in the market and have a huge demand. 

As compared to women, Men's skin is more prone to the problems like blocked pores and blackheads. No wonder why Men are asking for facials and skin care products. Gone are the days when men secretly used fairness creams. Men want to take care of themselves and its out in the open. Facials can be a starting point to keep the skin healthy and glowing. Day in and day out at work not only stresses the mind but the skin too. 

If you do not get time to take care of your skin you can go for simple facial type. Facial includes cleansing, exfoliation, steam, natural mask, shoulder massage followed by toning and moisturizing. This is great option for busy men to avoid long sessions of facials. The best facial may fall flat if you do not follow a balanced diet and regular exercise. The best way to get healthy skin is protecting your natural skin right from the beginning. So give your skin the treat it deserves.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Benefits Of Pedicure

A Pedicure is a way to improve the appearance of the feet and the nails. It provides a similar service to a manicure. Pedicure refers to superficial cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails. A Pedicure can help prevent nail diseases and nail disorders. Pedicures are done for cosmetic, therapeutic and medical purposes. They're extremely popular throughout the world, primarily among women.

Pedicures are not just limited to nails, usually dead skin cells on the bottom of feet are rubbed off using a rough stone called a pumice stone. Additionally, leg care below the knee became a common and now expected service included in pedicures. Leg care includes depilation via either shaving or waxing followed by granular exfoliation, application of moisturizing creams, and a brief leg massage.

Regular Pedicures not only help keep feet looking pretty, they also keep nails trimmed, calluses controlled and skin moisturized. In addition, a foot massage helps to relieve tension and stimulate circulation. The benefits of a Pedicure are that you will have well trimmed nails, control over calluses, and softer feet. Having a foot massage, which is part of a pedicure, will promote circulation and relieve tension. A Pedicure can be done either at the salon or in your own home. 

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Hairstyle And Its Process

A Hairstyle, hairdo, or haircut refers to the styling of hair, usually on the human scalp. A Hairstyle is achieved by arranging hair in a certain way, occasionally using combs, a blow-dryer, gel, or other products. The practice of styling hair is often called Hairdressing, especially when done as an occupation.

Hair styling may also include adding accessories such as headbands or barrettes to the hair to hold it in place, enhance its ornamental appearance, or partially or fully conceal it with coverings. Hair dressing may include cuts, weaves, coloring, extensions, perms, permanent relaxers, curling, and any other form of styling or texturing. Hair cutting or hair trimming is intended to create or maintain a specific shape and form. Its extent may range from merely trimming the uneven ends of the hair to a uniform length to completely shaving the head.

Brushes and combs are used to organize and untangle the hair, encouraging all of the strands to lie in the same direction and removing debris such as lint, dandruff, or hairs that have already shed from their follicles but continue to cling to the other hairs. Hair dryers speed the drying process of hair by blowing air, which is usually heated, over the wet hair shaft to accelerate the rate of water evaporation.

Styling products aside from shampoo and conditioner are many and varied. Leave-in conditioner, conditioning treatments, mousse, gels, lotions, waxes, creams, clays, serums, oils, and sprays are used to change the texture or shape of the hair, or to hold it in place in a certain style.    

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Different Types Of Waxing

Waxing is a form of semi-permanent hair removal which removes the hair from the root. New hair will not grow back in the previously waxed area for four to six weeks. Almost any area of the body can be waxed, including eyebrows, face, legs, arms, back, abdomen and feet. There are many types of waxing suitable for removing unwanted hair.

Strip Waxing (soft wax) is accomplished by spreading a wax thinly over the skin. A cloth or paper strip is applied and pressed firmly, adhering the strip to the wax and the wax to the skin. The strip is then quickly ripped against the direction of hair growth, as parallel as possible to the skin to avoid trauma to the skin. This removes the wax along with the hair.

Strip-less Wax also referred to as hard wax, is applied somewhat thickly and with no cloth or paper strips. The wax then hardens when it cools, thus allowing the easy removal by a therapist without the aid of cloths. Strip-less wax does not adhere to the skin as much as strip wax does, thus making it a good option for sensitive skin as finer hairs are more easily removed because the hard wax encapsulates the hair as it hardens. The strip-less waxing method can also be less painful.

There are many benefits to Waxing versus other forms of hair removal. It is an effective method to remove large amounts of hair at one time. It is a long-lasting method. Hair in waxed areas will not grow back for two to eight weeks. Areas that are repeatedly waxed over long periods of time often exhibit regrowth that is softer.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

How To Keep Your Nails Healthy And Clean

If your Nails look dull and are brittle and unhealthy, there are some things that you can do to make your nails healthy, strong and shiny again. Don't bite your Nails. Don't use your nails to do things that will put a lot of wear and tear on them. When you are cleaning with harsh cleaning products, wear some gloves. 

Keep your Nails trimmed and filed on a regular basis, at least once a week. You will want to soften your cuticles by soaking your nails in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes. Once your cuticles are softened, push the cuticle back toward your finger. After your cuticles have been pushed back you can take an orange stick and remove the dead skin cells. Now you can buff your nails. This will not only clean your nails, but also make them appear nice and shiny.

You can massage some cuticle oil onto your Nails. Cuticle oil contains Vitamin E which is very good at making your nails healthier. Massaging the Vitamin E on your nails will also help to moisturize them and prevent you from developing hang nails. If you Polish your Nails, be sure not to use any nail polish remover that contains Acetone. The Acetone is really bad on nails and will dry them out. You should leave your nails free of polish at least once every couple of weeks for a couple days or so. This will allow them to get some Oxygen, which will help your nails to stay strong and healthy.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Best Way To Keep Hair Healthy And Shiny

We all agree our Hair is an important part of our appearance. All of us would love to have beautiful, silky, shiny hair. Eat well and stay healthy. That is the first thing that you need to do, because if you're missing important vitamins or nutrients it will show up in your hair as fragile strands, excessive damage or dryness. 

Try to be as gentle as possible with your Hair. Also find a good shampoo and conditioner. Shampooing daily isn't always necessary and can dry out your hair too much. For a lot of people every other day is fine and will keep your hair healthier and softer. For conditioner- some people do better with moisturizing conditioners and some with protein/strength building type conditioners. Try the both and see what works best for your hair. 

Deep condition every week or two. Some of the home remedy type treatments can work pretty well- avocados, mayonnaise, coconut oil, etc. Always get a trim from time to time because if the ends are damaged, your hair probably isn't going to get long like it's supposed to and even it won't look good. 

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Spa Treatment For Men

With changing times, Spas and Salons have come a long way in finding a new clientele in Men who appreciate the wonders of improving their looks and health with an added benefit of unwinding themselves in the tranquilized environs of the modern spas. Spa treatments are definitely a great way to improve one's physical looks and Men are no exception to it. 

Most Men do not really tend to take care of their hands but those who are in professions where one needs to use the hands more lightly, Manicure offers a trimmed and clean look as well as the feeling of goodness that only a manicure can impart by pampering. With increasing number of men opting for hair removal, the Spa treatments are offering a variety of hair removing techniques ranging from waxing to electrolysis to laser therapy.

Looking forward to unwind and relaxation after hours of hard work is what everybody desires and Spa Treatments offer a package that comprises of treatments that make one look good and provide de-stressing massage which improve mobility. Spa treatments that are most preferred and are in high demand among the Men are facials, Eyebrow treatments, Manicures, Hair removal, and Deep tissue massage.


Friday, 14 March 2014

What Is Chocolate Facial ?

Chocolate facial, a new fad in the beauty circle will not only enhance your complexion but also ensure that your skin is healthy and glowing in the long run. Chocolate cream, paste, scrub etc used for Chocolate facial has a smooth and creamy texture with the fragrance of Chocolate that ensures that your skin is de-tanned and glows. Chocolate helps in getting rid of the tan. It is true that Chocolate especially the dark variety can be soothing for your skin. 

The main ingredient in chocolate is cocoa which has various therapeutic properties. The flavonoids present in dark Chocolate absorb UV light, help protect and increase blood flow to the skin and improve skin’s hydration and complexion. Since cocoa is rich in antioxidants it has anti-ageing properties as well. This also increases the production of collagen which is responsible for skin tightening and renewal. A Chocolate facial will result in a healthy glow and keep problems like blemishes at bay. 

Why is it good for your skin?

 Chocolate is high in anti-oxidants and contains anti-ageing properties too.
 Chocolate also imparts a healthy glow to your face.
 It increases the production of collagen and lightens blemishes and acne marks.
 It hydrates your skin and softens delaying the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
 It suits all skin types and is known to be one of the best ways to relax and rejuvenate yourself after a tiring  week at work.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

What Is Salt Glow ?

A Salt Glow (also known as a salt scrub or sea salt scrub) is the most popular body treatment at the spa. The primary purpose of a Salt Glow is to exfoliate your skin. A Salt Glow hydrates your skin because the salt is combined with oil and usually some aromatic like lemon, lavender, or even figs. The Salt Glow is followed by a shower and an application of body lotion, and leaves your skin feeling very soft and fragrant.

A Sea salt glow helps draw the toxins from the body and increases skin blood circulation, promoting the growth of new skin cells.Sea salt, which is laden with minerals, nourishes and hydrates the skin. Most Salt Glows contain blends of natural essential oils that can arouse the senses, revive your mood and make you relax. Marine salts are rich in bromides, which are natural sedatives, so a sea salt scrub can give you a sense of calm and relaxation. 

A Salt Glow can bring forward refreshed, glowing, and revitalized skin. The exfoliation process sloughs off dull and dry skin, revealing your fresh and renewed layer. A Salt Glow is also the perfect way to embrace the changing seasons, as it generates heat and natural moisture for some increased benefits. It also improves the blood circulation in the body, as the constant circular motion of the technician improves the flow of blood in that region. 

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

What Is A Body Wrap ?

Body Wraps is originally a treatment where Ace bandages or plastic wrap is tightly wrapped around the body to cause quick weight loss through vasodilation. It is a type of beauty treatment intended to result in a reduction in body measurements, involving the application of skin-cleansing ingredients to the body, which is then wrapped in hot bandages.   
There are different types of "slimming" Body Wraps, that result in the temporary loss of weight and inches, at some spas. But today a Body Wrap in a spa is more likely to be treatment where you’re slathered with a body mask made of algae, seaweed, mud, clay, lotion or cream, then wrapped for twenty minutes to keep you warm. Later the product is rinsed off. The Body Wrap usually ends with an application of lotion.This Body Wrap treatment is sometimes called a body cocoon or body mask.

Body Wrap begins with exfoliation through dry brushing or a salt scrub. Body wraps that use algae, seaweed, mud or clay are detox treatments that help rid the body of toxins through metabolic stimulation. Body wraps using Shea butter and rich lotions are hydrating treatments geared towards softening the skin.

Anti-Aging Facials

An Anti-Aging Facial  have all the steps of a basic facial, but with ingredients that are targeted to aging or "mature" skin, which is usually age forty and up. But you can have Anti-Aging Facials even when you're in your thirties, because the skin is already showing signs of maturity.

As we age, our skin gets thinner and dryer and it loses collagen, which gives it a thick, plump appearance, and elastin, which makes it snap back quickly.The time it takes for healthy young cells to migrate to the topmost layer slow down, which makes skin duller looking and our faces are more exposed to the elements, and get lines and creases from all the facial expressions we make.

An Anti-Aging Facial includes a chemical peel, collagen masks, and special serums that have antioxidants like vitamin C or ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which attracts water to cells) exfoliates and nourishes the skin to promote clear, well-hydrated skin. It is sometimes called a "Deep-Cleansing Facial" or  "Deep-Pore Cleansing Facial" because of extractions.There are other powerful Anti-Aging treatments you can get, including Photo Facials and Microdermabrasion.

Monday, 10 March 2014

What Is Medical Spa Or Medispa ?

A Medical Spa (also known as a med-spa or medi-spa) is a hybrid between a medical clinic and a day spa. Medical Spas can treat conditions on your face and body like brown spots, redness, and broken capillaries that cannot be treated at all.

Medical Spa menus vary, but you can usually get medical spa treatments like laser treatments, laser hair removal, IPL (intense pulsed light) treatments, Microdermabrasion, Photofacials, Injectables like Botox and fillers, aggressive chemical peels and skin tightening or skin rejuvenation treatments.

Medical Spas tend to have a more clinical atmosphere than day spas. But many also offer relaxing services like massage and body treatments. Some Medical Spas have a wellness focus and include services like acupuncture, nutritional counseling and naturopathic doctor consultations. Medical spa treatments also offer a wealth of benefits to women seeking longevity, a youthful appearance and wellness care. 

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Spa Treatment To Help Cure Acne

Acne is a skin condition involving the oil glands found at the base of the hair follicles.One of the Spa treatments of acne is micro-dermabrasions. The procedure involves the use of a rotating brush equipped with diamond tips on the affected skin. The instrument removes the top layer of the skin gently leaving an even-looking and smoother skin layer.

Spa treatments use glycolic acid to remove the top layer of the skin and at the same time enhances  the growth of new scar-free skin layer.Spa treatment uses blue light therapy which involves the application of low-intensity blue light on the skin.The blue light is known to destroy bacteria that are responsible for acne and it further improves the appearance of both acne and the resultant scars.

Spa treatments use olive oil for treating acne scars.The oil contains an array of nutrients and antioxidants that are proven to deal with various skin conditions.Such Spa treatments involve the application of warm olive oil on the affected skin and used to massage.This enhances the blood circulation and goes a great extent in reducing the acne scarring. 

Friday, 7 March 2014

Body Treatment For Women's Day

On the occasion of Women's Day, ladies you should go for a Body Treatment to enhance your beauty and health. Body treatments are essentially a facial for your whole body and leave your skin feeling velvety smooth and soft. The idea behind a body treatment is that is just as important to cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate the skin on your body as it is the skin of your face.

The most popular Body Treatment is a body scrub, sometimes called a body polish, salt glow or sea-salt scrub. This is an exfoliating treatment that takes place on a massage table covered with a sheet and a large, thin piece of plastic. A Body Treatment is not the same as massage, but it can be a good complement. 

Body Treatments deal with your body's skin.The most common types of body treatments are body polishes and body wraps. A body wrap can also be a wrapping treatment used to treat cellulite. It sometimes has a diuretic effect that aids in temporary weight reduction. Body Treatments will relax your body and mind, make you look younger, and increase your energy and vitality.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Hair Spa Therapy

Hair spa is a new concept for hair rebirth. It is basically a procedure that helps to make your hair strong, bouncy and shiny, while simultaneously to deal with dandruff, damaged, and fall control. Today it is one of the popular and best trends for conditioning your hair to keep it healthy. While this is a relatively new treatment, it is considered to be highly effective, and for the most part of it, quite economical given its advantages.

For people who feel that their hair lacks strength and volume, Hair Spa helps in building the strength of each hair follicle giving the hair a stronger and a more bouncy look. Hair Spa is a therapy that is essential maintaining a healthy growth.

Benefits Of Hair Spa Therapy: 

Deep conditioning Hair Spa treatment is designed to strengthen the hair follicles, nourish the roots & revitalize the scalp that leads to natural hair rebirth.
It helps to normalize oil secretions.
It increases cell metabolism and stimulates blood circulation.
It eliminates impurities inside pores and repairs damaged hair.
Hair Spa is a rehydrating therapy that restores vital oils and moisture for a smooth, sensuous glow that begins at the roots.

Spa Therapy

The term Spa is associated with water treatment which is also known as balneotherapy. Spa towns or spa resorts (including hot springs resorts) typically offer various health treatments.A body treatment, spa treatment, or cosmetic treatment is non-medical procedure to help the health of the body. It is often performed at a resort, destination spa, day spa, beauty salon or school.

Spa Therapies Enhance Beauty :

1.Glowing Skin: Spa therapies like facials and body polishes use gentle exfoliation techniques to remove dead skin cells and stimulate new cell growth which gives you healthy, glowing skin.
2. Age-Reversal: Body wraps and anti-ageing facials firm up loose skin and treat the unsightly appearance of cellulite, revealing younger-looking skin.

Spa treatments include :

Bathing or soaking in any of the following:
Hot spring
Hot tub
Mud bath
Peat pulp bath
Steam bath
Body wraps, wrapping the body in hot linens, plastic sheets and blankets, or mud wraps, often in combination with herbal compounds.
Nail care such as manicures and pedicures
Waxing, the removal of body hair with hot wax